Bulk Launch a Continuous Feedback Session

Use the Bulk Launch Continuous Feedback Session wizard to specify session details, such as subject, meeting reason, session participants, and a recommended date, and to select employees to include in a bulk launch of feedback sessions.

To access the Bulk Launch Continuous Feedback Session screen, you must belong to a group with access to the Continuous Feedback Administration feature (Administration » Global Settings » System Administration » Features. Performance » Continuous Feedback » Continuous Feedback Administration).

To bulk launch a batch of continuous feedback sessions:

  1. Click Administration » Performance » Continuous Feedback Administration.
  2. On the Continuous Feedback Administration screen, click the Bulk Continuous Feedback Actions button.
  3. On the Bulk Continuous Feedback Actions Screen, click the Bulk Launch Continuous Feedback Session button.
    Step 1 of the Bulk Launch Continuous Feedback Session wizard displays.
  4. In the Subject field, enter the reason for the meeting.
  5. In the Recommended Date field, set a recommended date for participants to complete the session information. Managers and Employees can edit the actual date and time they want to hold the session after the sessions are bulk launched.
  6. In the Meeting Reason field, select from a list of default meeting reasons defined by an administrator, such as General Check-in.
  7. In the Upload Attachment field, browse to a file or document to associate with the meeting.
  8. In the Scheduling field, select to Create Sessions Tonight or Schedule Launch for a Future Date. If scheduling for a future date, enter the date in the Scheduled Date field.
  9. In the Select Participants by Name field, click the Select button and select additional participants for all sessions in the bulk launch, searching by name.
  10. In the Select Participant by Relationship field, select additional participants for all sessions in the bulk launch, by role.
  11. Click Next.
  12. On Step 2 of the wizard, use any of the fields on the screen (Company/Division, Job Title, Job Family, Job Role, Job Classification, Salary Grade, Exemption Type, Union) to filter the selection of employees for which you are launching a continuous feedback session.
    Note: The Union field uses the value from the user profile, not the job profile.
  13. Click Next.
  14. On Step 3 of the wizard, review session details, and return to previous screens to edit, if necessary.
  15. When done, clickFinish.